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In my work, I broach questions that catalyze my daily existence. Inevitably, these questions are connected to my identity as a woman, often as a mother and partner (to a man). The resulting works represent my attempts to make sense of the life I am living, the place I live (Tel Aviv) and the people that surround me. Having worked for the past fifteen years as a journalist, text is a crucial motivator for everything I present on and off stage. I try not to limit myself to a specific medium rather to allow each work to take the shape and discipline that will best communicate the subject at hand. This often results in a blend between dance and theater.

My practice is based on exploring the various interfaces between text and movement. I see the body as the ultimate conveyor of both text and subtext. In each of my works there is a different relationship between words and movements. Sometimes, the body presents the text via movement whilst words express the underlying emotion. Sometimes the opposite is true. Using these two layers, my work includes characters, storytelling, humor, fantasy and reality.

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